Monday, October 12, 2009

So here's a Newsflash that will catch most people who know us off guard. Rachel and I are attempting to enter that territory which has been so well forged by so many of our friends yet remains a total mystery to us known as Parenthood. Stay tuned and watch me try to document things everyone else figured out ages ago as their kids head into college and we're expecting a newborn baby in January. It's a girl.


ZSL said...

congrats on having a kid!

Mark Bachand said...

You just bought tickets for one of lifes' coolest roller coaster rides...add to that that you have a Princess along for the ride. Congrats!!!...Love the Cartoon!

Chris Battle said...

HA-- brilliant. I've been meaning to call ya and congratulate you and impending dad-hood. Lunch soon, ya?

Desiree said...

Congratz!!! This sketch is just brilliant cant wait to see what else you come up with once you have a little inspiration crawling around :)

Jeremy Bernstein said...

Congrats on the little one!

Nigel Auchterlounie said...

My advice on parenting is when they're up in the middle of the night if you pretend you're asleep the wife might get up and deal with it.

Oh and put the baby in front of "in the night garden" I love that show.

Good luck

Justin K. Thompson said...

Awesome news! Congratulations sir!

anna said...

OMG!! congratulations!!! i hope you are doing lots of drawings anticipating what your baby will look like.

tara nicole said...

heehee... that dude on the floor with the big moustache looks just like my dad! congrats you guys!! :)

Drake Brodahl (pumml) said...

Congratulations, Dan! Great news.

As the first time parent of an 11 day old baby, I can tell you there seems to be too much emphasis on the birthing process itself and too little focus on what to do when caring for them in the hospital and when you get the baby home. How to keep the little one healthy and happy.

I can email you some tidbits if you if it might help.

Don Shank said...

Congratulations Dan & Rachel!

Jmontiel said...

hahahaha, great work!

jtruss said...

Buckle up, Dan! I'd offer sage advice, but "buckle up" is all I've got. Congrats, sir!

ANDY BIALK said...

great news! congratulations! you did it!


I know exactly where you are. It seems a little scary see how other people are dealing with kids but that's their kids yours will be different. Well at least that's how I'm choosing to look at it, about our soon to be daughter.

OV! said...


wow man, CONGRATS!

get all the sleep you can now...


Unknown said...

Congratulations Dan, couldn't happen to a nicer couple!

Leo Matsuda said...

congratulations for having a kid. very inspiring artwork. The little kids expressions while jumping over their sleeping father is just brilliant.

Brandon said...

Love your work! Congrats on the baby. I've got four and trust me -there is no manual. Wish there was:)

Unknown said...

Congrats! You'll love being a dad, and you will be a great dad.

- Lawrence

brian smith said...

great drawing! Camille likes it too

Jeff Harter said...

Ha ha ha! That's hilarious! (The Illustration, I mean.) You've captured parenthood so perfectly. It can be that way at times, but there is also plenty of good too! You'll see. Congratulations!

Anette (Ahlholm) Power said...

Wow, Congratulations!!! Always wanna welcome new members into this club ...Parenthood -OMG- We're responsible for this one 24 hrs/a day for the next...18 years?!?.(at least) well in our case it's now 2 of them:-) All the best to you! can't wait to see the art she'll inspire!

Unknown said...

Dan and Rachel, how exciting to hear about your baby girl! Is she here yet? Congrats, Cathie Joslyn (trying to get that proposal to get you here as a presenter going again; they said propose it this time of year when I proposed it last March! You may be hearing more from me about this!