Thursday, January 08, 2009

I saw this guy patrolling the sidewalks of Silverlake (Where was he during the previous post?)
This is definitely starting out to be a good year. Sometimes weeks go by without seeing anything noteworthy and now they're coming out of the woodwork so fast it's hard to get any work done. Seriously people, take a break and save something for March.


David DeGrand said...

I absolutely love your drawings of the various weirdos you encounter, this one in particular. What the hell was he doing with the camera? And why? Great stuff Mr. Krall!

Dayla Corcoran Kennedy said...

Dan. Come back for lunch. - Dayla

Satish said...

your drawings are remarkable. I like your work!

Owen Flanagan said...

Your drawings are fantastic, I really like the classical music old fella.

Nigel Auchterlounie said...

he's filming every moment of his life just incase he's acused of a crime he didn't commit.

completely normal behaviour

dankrall said...

In America it is!

Drake Brodahl (pumml) said...

Dan, you're hitting the freak jackpot. When the freaks rain they pour I guess. Hilariously awesome drawings, as usual, Sir.