Wednesday, December 05, 2007


Chris Battle said...

I remember when Craig Simmons was the old man.

But that was a long time ago. Happy aging!

James worthy said...

37!!!??? Baby.

Anonymous said...

Man your getting old. I was't sure if you could still hear, thats why I did'nt send you something awesome from Itunes. Sorry I forgot your birthday, but I am working on 40.

Mukpuddy said...

Thats funny dude!!


Dan , you are awsome. The end. and happy birthday!

Unknown said...

Be happy you are still in your thirties young man!

Unknown said...


Nigel Auchterlounie said...

hey hallmark! have you seen this?
stick this on your cards

brian smith said...

hey! really cute drawing! i think that's me (at 44) in the 3rd hole from the left. i like it in there.

the doodlers said...


Oh crap. I'm ahead of you in the space that comes AFTER the tall black grass and buddy it's a repeat of this image. But more bodies in the holes.
Happy celebration of your coming to be. Thanks for the laugh.

Unknown said...

Beautiful Paintings!