Friday, November 02, 2007

Burbank in the morning.

Burbank in the morning.


J said...

Hey Dan, this last set of paintings is amazing!
Thanks for posting them.
Really inspiring.

Mark Fearing said...

Great painting, very refined (say with heavy accent) color pallleeettteee. Jumped out nicely from the page.

Nigel Auchterlounie said...

first dark and moody then light and airy.
super stuff.

i bet slower donuts were pissed off when faster donuts opened up across the street.

Mike K said...

-agree. great set, lots of fun.

Dan Bob said...

these have a lot of charm to them. nice stuff as always.

Chris Battle said...

These are awesome! You and Bill Wray should do a "Monsters of Cali" art show.

Please do a painting of Hamburger Coffee next.

COOP said...

I love that Faster Donuts sign. The sign should be an Egyptian dude whipping a donut. "Faster, Donuts!!"

Anonymous said...

i found your site on drawn. i live on that street. very strange.