I have to preface this one by saying that like everywhere we go, 99% of people couldn't be nicer to us and Austria and Bavaria were certainly no exception. We met many many very sweet, nice, friendly, helpful people. However... they are no fun to draw. And we did meet a few people who lived up to the stereotype of being very harsh and severe... and they are fun to draw. So here they are.

I can't tell you how much I love your travel drawings! So funny in style and content. I tried the same concept on my last trip, but they pale in comparison to these little masterpieces. Thanks for posting them.
Fantastic. I remember an experience like this. My dad was pointing to a gold engraving from a few feet away, and a German tour guide comes up and slaps him on the wrist, "No Touchy," she said.
"$25 worth of books".... pfffph! You Americans think you can buy everyone's love.
Amazing stuff! Hilariously drawn, with a lot of character. It's been so long since I ve been here.
Thes are always a treat! Definitely inspires me to want to sketch a bit on upcoming honeymoon.
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