Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Great story in the LA Times the other day about doctors who have experimented on themselves.

" In 1916, Dr. Joseph Goldberger drew blood, scraped scabs and collected feces from patients at a South Carolina pellagra hospital. His aim: to prove to a doubting medical community that deadly pellagra was not contagious. His method: to inject himself, his apparently devoted wife and several colleagues with the affected blood and to feed them the scabs and feces. "


the doodlers said...

You've given the fellow a noble countenance. Were you working from a photo? I wonder if the picture was taken right after he injected himself with the affected blood and eaten the scabs and feces? yum...

Carlos V. said...

awsome drawings! I love the one with the chef licking his arm! HAHA!!

Chris Battle said...

It's Brad Gake.

Brad said...

hey it's not so bad with a little mustard...I mean...OOOOH! Battle!

Miles Thompson said...

great sketch man...fucked up story!

dude - your stuff is just ROCK SOLID!